Legal information

Legal information and notices required by Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

Company Name:  Sankyu

Representative: Yasunori Inokuchi

Registered Office: Tako 371-3, Odawara, Kanagwa, Japan

Telephone: +81 9097146429


Delivery: 1-3 days after payment

Charges other than product price:  Express delivery for $30.00

Payment period: At time of order

Payment method: credit card

Return, exchange, refund: refer to return policy


Alcoholic Beverage Sales Supervisor Sign 

Shop Name: Sankyu

Address: T ako 371-3, Odawara, Kanagwa, Japan

Name of sales supervisor: Yasunori Inokuchi

Dates of liquor sales management training: 9th, May 2024

Deadline for next training course: 8th, May 2027

Name of Training Organization: Association of Japan voluntary chain